Adversity quotient (AQ)— A term coined by Paul Stoltz in 1997, it is the understanding and
measurement of human resilience and capacity to live, work and deal with unavoidable
and undesirable circumstances.
Gartner suggests that executive leaders must:
- Invest in building higher AQ that contributes to maximizing productivity and enabling higher work engagement, beyond the effects of individual resilience.
- Measure team-level resilience to identify potential weak points critically impacted by adversity and enable a precise view of the team’s risk exposure to future uncertainties, acting as an early warning system.
- Build AQ by investing in skills and tactics like agile learning, adaptability, antifragile mentality, optimistic mindset, and self-awareness. A focused approach to building AQ helps foster strong team dynamics and build trust among team members.
These are fundamental characteristics of Quantum Leaders who anticipate future conditions and help their organizations prepare to be resilient and thrive in chaotic situations.